Ever wondered how a person ends up believing in God? One day they are saying they would never become a Christian and then next thing you know, they are inviting you to Church! On this blog, some people have volunteered to share how they became Christians. Feel free to explore the different stories at your own convenience.

Friday, June 29, 2007

I raised my hand.

This is Jason Tey's story.

My journey as a Christian begins in 2000, a lot of things happened that year. It was the new millennia! I turned 18, moved out of home, juggled study, work and all the benefits of being an adult without any of the responsibilities. I was in my 2nd year of study to become an Engineer but to be honest, all I really cared about was myself, my friends and whatever entertainment this life could offer. My university results reflected my attitude toward study, I don’t remember any real direction or purpose other than to get a degree just like everyone else.

Toward the end of the year, a relationship started with a Christian girl. At the time I thought nothing of it, that Christianity was simply a religion, something people believed on Sundays to help them feel good about themselves. I remember my friends arguing with her over “stupid religious differences” and I just let it be. My friend Yves then mockingly said “haha you’ve gotta become a Christian now” and I said “Hey, don’t worry bout’ me, I promise you I’ll never be a Christian”. To tell you the truth, at the time I didn’t even know what it meant to be a Christian, I just couldn’t see myself going to church or needing anything religious in my life. However despite my thoughts and words, I did always believe in a god because I remember praying during sad or desperate periods.

Early 2001, I started going to church, seeing it as an opportunity to spend time together with my girlfriend. Perhaps it would make her happy? Over the next 5 months, my consistent visits built up an understanding of the beliefs and practices of the church, but nothing in the way of personal conviction or faith. In June, a 5-day winter camp had been organised during the university holidays. A perfect opportunity to get away for some fun so I rounded up a couple of friends and off we went. At the beginning there was nothing radically different or new compared to what I’d learnt on Sundays, except after each “sermon” we’d break into groups for discussion. I remember clearly being a right nuisance to my group leaders, asking curly questions about dinosaurs, evolution and vampires (as you do). My questions were never answered scientifically or even logically (to my satisfaction) so I thought “Christians can’t even explain their own faith” leaving me with a smirk and that warm sense of smug, self-righteous pride.

On Wednesday, things changed… The preacher (Rev Koshy) spoke on something a little different that night. The topic was on Sin, which wasn’t anything new, but instead of talking about general sin, he started naming different sins, and the whole time I thought “why is he talking to me? How does he know I do these things?” Then it dawned on me that if I were to die that night, and meet face to face with God, there was nothing I could say to explain or justify my sins… I trusted my fate to a hope that God (whom I didn’t even care about) would overlook my disobedience. At that moment, I knew my soul was bound for Hell and I didn’t like that idea at all. That’s when I realised Jesus Christ was my only hope. At the close of the message, the speaker asked who would receive Christ as their saviour. I had so many questions that were not answered, but never before had this invitation been such a heavy weight on my heart. Then at that moment, I felt a peace in my soul that I could not explain and despite my questions, it felt like the right decision… so with some nervousness, I raised my hand.

When I look back at my story, I think “why was it so hard? why was I so reluctant to believe?" Since that day in June 2001, I look at my life and realise that even before I became a Christian, God always provided for me, no matter what happened or how hard things were. Who am I to deserve that? So as I grow and learn about my God through the years, my faith in Him only grows. You realise that there is no question that cannot be answered with God’s word and you can absolutely trust Him. Not only that, but His faithfulness is demonstrated through my family as well. In 2005 He saved my brother Victor and now in 2007, my sister Mim Min. I can only watch His work in awe and see His promises fulfilled. “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Acts 16:31.

Jason Tey

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