Ever wondered how a person ends up believing in God? One day they are saying they would never become a Christian and then next thing you know, they are inviting you to Church! On this blog, some people have volunteered to share how they became Christians. Feel free to explore the different stories at your own convenience.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Changing a sinner's heart

This is Gavin Wong's story.

Since I was very young, dinosaurs and astronomy had fascinated me. I grew up liking science because it made sense to me and thought that the big bang theory, science and evolution could explain everything. I grew up in a non-Christian family but spent a few years attending Christian high schools. There, I became familiar with some common Bible stories, but to me, they were just that, stories. I had also never thought about what would happen to me after death. I had always assumed that if I was 'good', I would go into a heaven-like place.

The creation versus evolution topic was always my main hurdle to believing in a supreme being. Early in 2007, I was invited to a DVD screening of 'Unlocking the Mystery of Life' which also included a panel of academics to answer our questions afterwards. Many questions were raised including ones I had always wanted answers too. Their answers seemed plausible. This got me thinking……then, a friend began a Bible study group every Monday night which addressed this same topic. As the weeks passed, I became more receptive to new ideas and concepts. During one of these Bible study nights ,I asked my friend how to pray. I began to pray or rather, began to talk to God, not in a proper prayer format, but more of a conversation. I began asking Him questions about why certain things happened in my life and what their ultimate purpose was.

During the same time, I had been offered a job that I had been working really hard to get. Many people applied for the same position, but I was one of the few who got it. After carefully thinking about all the circumstances in which this happened, I realized that all the seemingly 'lucky' breaks I had gotten weren't just luck or coincidence because it was too perfect. It was God's plan.

A month or so later, I was invited to the 2007 BPCWA Youth 180 winter retreat camp and by this time, had already been asked a few times by my friend "what is stopping you from accepting Christ?" I didn't know. I just knew that I wasn't ready. However, I was free during the holidays so I decided to go to the camp. The camp was the first time I had been in close contact with so many true Christians. It was like living in a different world. Everyone was kind, helpful and genuinely cared about each other. At the camp, I was moved, changed, and I knew I was ready. I asked my friend at the end of the first night of the camp what things to say in the sinner's prayer. I walked to the car park, looked up at the moon and the stars on the cloudy night, confessed my sins and truly believed Jesus died for us. It was June 24 th, 2007, the day my new life began.

It has been more than 5 months since that day and I have noticed some considerable changes in my life. Before accepting Christ, I found that there was a void in my life. I would always try to fill this void by succeeding in jobs, finding a partner or scoring well in exams. And this would work temporarily because I would be filled with pride from receiving other people's praises and felt superior due to my achievements. I also had an uneasy feeling about my life ahead of me. I could try my best in all that I do, but that still didn't guarantee success or happiness in the future because it partly depended on 'luck'.

Now, it is completely different. The void is filled. I feel like a whole person without the need for other people's approval. I feel a sense of security in my future because I know God has planned it out for me and will guide me. The world and its design also makes a lot more sense now because it has been all created by God rather than us being evolved from bacteria. I am more calm, patient, caring, understanding and forgiving. When people ask me how I am, I answer "Great!" because that's how I feel everyday. They ask me "What happened?" expecting me to say that I got a new job, won the lotto or something along those lines. But I simply answer "God".

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Faithful Love

This is Tim Wu's story.

I grew up in a Christian family, and every week I attended church. I also went to a Christian secondary school. I was baptized as a child in Trueway Presbyterian Church. Through the years, I’ve delayed reaffirming my faith, coming up with various excuses.

Even though I fell away from God, the Lord has still blessed me in all manners. Whenever I feel down, or burdened by problems, the Lord is always by my side, carrying me through. In His wonderful and mysterious ways, He always manages to pull me back to him every single time. It was grace that I managed to enroll into my Law Degree.

It was also God’s planning that I should be given the chance to reaffirm my faith, as I had no chance back at Trueway, as I was travelling between Singapore and Australia. Therefore, I am grateful for this chance given unto me to reaffirm my faith in BPCWA.

I continue to have questions in my life, and the Lord is slowly teaching me, guiding me through the Bible, and prayer. During tough periods, my faith is strengthened through prayer, and all my troubles are resolved by the Lord. I hope to improve my personal relationship with Lord and lead a better life as a Christian.

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10)